Wednesday, January 23, 2008

And we have lift off.....

I know i've been saying this for a long time, but we really will have a song out soon.
After what i can only describe as the busiest december ever, the band mates finally got together and started playing around with tunes and drum lines.

The lyrics still stand in the same state as they did in december. One thing has changed though, the band is finally psyched up after playing around.

We still have conflicting influences, and even more conflicting goals.
Shahroze is still a Linkin Park junkie, Ali (for reasons I can't disclose) keeps listening to reaaaally slow soft songs. I've developed a taste for electronica and industrial.

Once again, till next time.

Song of the day:
The Reckoning (by Godhead from the album 2000 years of human errors)

Friday, December 7, 2007

Don't worry, we won't die out this quickly

Wussup party people, Talha here,

It's been a while since my last post. Exams still have me pretty tied up. Whats worse, my dismal performance in the exams has really got me down. Now there is only one exam left, and prospects aren't looking too good (Hmmmm, i wonder if this a good time to be blogging).

The band is still ticking though. The way things are right now i doubt we'll get anything done by January. The lyrics are slowly piling up, all by me and some by Shahroze (PLEASE NO LINKIN PARK!), and none complete. One thing i realized though, song writing is one of those things that you get better at the more you do it. The songs are getting better, still nowhere near the mark that I want, but there's been some improvement (No more Layne Staley!).

I've been trying to get some of the other band members to blog here, but so far no luck. I think there will be a band re-structuring soon the way things are going. So far the band has only two active members, me and Shahroze.

Till next time.

Song of the day
Opticon (By Orgy from the album Vapor Transmission)

Monday, November 26, 2007

OK, here we go

Hey everyone,

finally got a band together, who would have thought that possible?

We're calling ourself unit 87 for now, and the members are all my life long buds.

We're all really excited right now, and we want to put out a song as soon as possible but progress is slow because we've all got exams.

There's a small struggle going on in the band right now, as to the kind of identity we want to create for ourself. My brother wants a strange mix of System of a Down and Red Hot Chili Peppers, if Shahroze has his way, then we're gonna end up being Linkin Park clones. Ali is apathetic about the matter and its better if i don't mention what Taimur wants.

My vision is a bit different, i want to avoid what i like to call "creativity hell". I don't want to be in a position in the future where i have this great idea for a song, but I'm told "Sorry, we're not that kind of band". I want to keep all possibilities open, and i want experiment with different ideas, mix in anything from synth rock, jazz, to hip-hop or even classical music (Both Pakistani and western). In simple words, i don't want to be restricted to any single genre. I want our band to surprise everyone with each and every song (provided we actually find someone to listen to us).

Moving on, I've tried writing lyrics, but all i get is dark introspective crap, almost reminds of Layne Staley's work (not that i don't like his work, its just weird that I've got nothing else in my head). Recently, i got two romantic songs (think Maroon 5 ...... got nothing against them either). Trouble is both types are something I'm not aiming for, they're too simple and the lyrics are too weak. I'm more in the mood for some hard rock tunes, with a dash of experimentation, and intricate lyrics, more along the lines of Chris Cornell's work (but still completely different and original).

Thats all for now, i have to go study the exciting topic of consolidated company accounts. Till next time.

Song of the day
Free (by Powerman 5000 from the album Transform)